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"It can be a lonely gay world when it comes to dating. With all of the people on the planet, is it possible there are so few dating options? The answer to why you're still single could be in the mirror. Here are the top 6 things that could be keeping you from cuddling:

1) You're Needy
Guys love independence. They want to know that you have your own hobbies, ambitions and interests and aren't relying solely on his. Being a cheerleader is great and wanting to be around him as much as possible is a part of liking someone, but he'll lose interest when your identity becomes a mirror copy of his. The best boyfriends and partners are ones that compliment each other, not fill each others' voids. Many guys make the mistake of thinking that having a boyfriend will cure the emptiness. It won't and will later lead to frustration and unhappiness. Besides, he'll sniff your neediness from a mile away.

2) You're Ugly
OK, you're not really but you think they are. The bottom line is if you don't love what you see in the mirror no one else will. While some wait for others to convince them that they are attractive, you could be the one loving who you are, as you are. As a bonus, guys love guys that are confident in their appearance. When you believe you're attractive you stop needing approval from others. That confidence will get translated into everything you do, and it alone will attract guys.

3) You're a Bitch
We get it, you're fierce. But your lack of eye contact, standoffish demeanor, and chilly responses are only reinforcing the titanium wall you've built around yourself. You've done a good job using witty quips to mask your distrust and disgust for guys that have hurt you in the past. It stops you from getting hurt (again). Unfortunately, it also keeps everything else out, including people that are genuinely interested in getting to know you. Loosen up a bit. You can still protect yourself and show your supreme fierceness without pushing away strangers who try to get close.

4) You're Too Social
No one likes going out alone. The thought of it is awkward and uncomfortable, especially when groups of guys are chatting and sipping cocktails while you're flipping through Facebook on your phone. What may feel like a solo trip to loser camp is actually an opportunity. Bars, lounges and clubs are great times for groups of friends, but when you're busy chatting with buddies you aren't available to meet other single guys. It's in our nature to be weary of packs. To the single guy on the hunt you're far more intimidating surrounding by 15 of your friends than you are chatting with only a few buddies or hanging out alone.

5) You're a Bottom
There is a gay state of emergency. We've spent so much time hiding and not getting what we want that when we do come out all we want is, well, everything exactly as we want it. This includes sex. It's fine to prefer one sex role over another or one type of guy. However, many guys are too firm in their "preferences," so much that they reject potential partners even before knowing their names. How often has a potential connection been turned away after one word: top or bottom? It makes sense that if you're a bottom and he's a bottom, things could get tricky in between the sheets. But have you considered the possibility that a preference is just that, a preferred way of doing things? Could it be that if you guys hit if off, the opportunity to explore ways to be intimate with mutual satisfactory exists as well? Ultimately you may not be compatible, but isn't it worth a chance beyond labels?

6) You're Too Perfect
It's not perfection that people fall in love with, it's the imperfections. Bull, you say? Test it out on a couple that's deeply in love. Ask them what they adore about each other and almost all will point towards a quirk or quality that others might see as defect. Sometimes the hardest thing is to be yourself while trying to impress someone else. Essentially, you're telling a lie when you're not yourself. And like all bad lies, the truth eventually surfaces. Let loose and be genuine, giving him an opportunity to get to know the real you."

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